Home Indian Muslim Sir Syed memorial debate organized at AMU

Sir Syed memorial debate organized at AMU

By TCN News,

Aligarh: With the aim to sharp the argument and discussion skills among the students, Aligarh Muslim University Students’ Union organized “All India Sir Syed Memorial Debate” at the Kennedy Auditorium of the university.

Addressing the program, National President of Congress Minority Cell, Mr. Imran Kidwai said that debate competitions serve as a great platform to develop students’ skills and personality. It is high time for the Muslim youth to carve an identity on national scenario as it is essential to get a share in the national politics” he added.

In his address, Member of National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language, Mr. Umar Peerzada demanded the Government of India should to introduce a bill in the parliament to grant long pending minority status to the Aligarh Muslim University.

He urged newly elected Students’ Union to work for the development of Muslim community. He said that AMU Students’ Union has produced great personalities who created history by setting a standard in politics and creating a distinctive lineage for the forthcoming generations of nation builders.

Earlier in his welcome speech, Honorary Secretary of Students’ Union, Aamir Qutub said that the objective behind organizing debate competitions is to develop argument skills in the students and arm them with the qualification to lead the country in an effective way.

He further added that although we do not need any political opportunity but the political scenario certainly calls for our participation.

Others who spoke on the occasion include Dr. Muhibul Haq of Department of Political Science, Abu Affan Farooquee , Students’ Union President, Syed Umar Qadri, Union Vice President and Dean and Prof. Tajuddin Faculty of Unani Medicine.