Home Economy India may continue ban on wheat, rice exports

India may continue ban on wheat, rice exports


New Delhi : Pending the problems of high food inflation and overall food security in the country, India is not likely to lift ban on export of wheat and non-basmati rice, the Press Trust of India (PTI) quoted a latest report of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) as saying.

India had imposed ban on wheat exports in early 2007 and non-basmati rice in 2008. The food inflation is still ruling high, even as it was recorded at 10.39 per cent for the week ended February 19.

According to the USDA report, India’s wheat output is pegged at 83 million tonnes (MT) and rice output at 94.5 MT in 2011-12 marketing year, i.e. April-March. “Despite forecasted record production, strong government procurement and abnormally high stocks, the government is unlikely to lift the ban on wheat exports due to continued food inflation concerns,” it added.

India’s wheat output last year was 80.8 MT while rice output was 89 MT.