Mumbai: The Maharashtra government Monday announced action against 405 employees of the agriculture department, including the immediate suspension of 50 officers, accused of siphoning off funds from the central and state aid packages for Vidarbha farmers.
Announcing the action in the state legislature, Agriculture Minister Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil said that the funds were meant for the farmers in six districts affect by farmland suicides in Vidarbha region of eastern Maharashtra.
He said that 405 officers and employees have been found prima facie guilty and served with show-cause notices.
Later, Vikje-Patil told reporters that 50 Grade I and II officials shall be suspended immediately and action will be taken against the remaining officials within a month.
He said that the irregularities in the Vidarbha packages came to light in 2007 and a committee headed by Gopal Reddy, director of V.P. Naik Mission for Farmers, was appointed by the then chief minister Vilasrao Deshmukh, who is presently the union rural development minister.
It probed the allegations and submitted its report in 2008, which was tabled before the legislature.
The concerned officials were served with show-cause notices in the matter in November last year.