Home Sports India-Pakistan match: Gilani accepts Manmohan’s invite

India-Pakistan match: Gilani accepts Manmohan’s invite


Islamabad : Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has accepted an invitation from his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh to watch the cricket World Cup semi-final match between India and Pakistan in Mohali March 30.

Gilani will “informally” meet Manmohan Singh during the match and a formal meeting will be held after the match in which bilateral matters will be discussed, Geo News reported Sunday citing official sources.

The sources said the two leaders will also hold discussions on “cricket diplomacy” to improve bilateral relations.

Officials of Pakistan’s sports ministry and the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) will also attend the match.

Manmohan Singh Friday invited Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari and Gilani to watch the semi-final match.

The match will be held a day after home secretary-level talks between the two countries March 28-29.