Home International LTTE front groups run weekend schools in Holland: Report

LTTE front groups run weekend schools in Holland: Report


Brussels: Front organisations of the vanquished Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) run some 20 schools on Saturdays in the Netherlands, Dutch media reported Tuesday.

The revelations were made in a police report that has just been made public, the EuAsiaNews reported quoting the DutchNews.nl website. The report was given to the authorities earlier this year.

The schools in several Dutch cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Hague which teach children of Tamil origin language, dance and theatre, also use teaching materials praising the Tamil race, writing about the armed struggle and explaining how humane the Tamils are on the battlefield, the website said quoting the Dutch news agency ANP.

A court in The Hague is currently hearing a case against five men accused of allegedly collecting money for Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers. They are facing up to 16 years in jail for helping run a terrorist organisation, it said.

The EU put the Tamil Tigers on its list of terrorist organisations in 2006.

The LTTE was defeated by the Sri Lankan military in May 2009 ending their nearly three-decade-long armed struggle for an independent homeland in the north and east of the island nation for Tamils.