Home Muslim World News Iranian parliament to question President Ahmadinejad?

Iranian parliament to question President Ahmadinejad?


Tehran: The Iranian parliament could question President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad following the presentation of a motion seeking to do so, the Mehr news agency reported.

The motion, signed by 73 lawmakers in the 290-seat parliament, was presented to deputy Majlis speaker Mohammadreza Bahonar Sunday, Xinhua quoted the report as stating.

Under Iran’s constitution, the president must appear in the parliament to answer lawmakers’ questions when at least one fourth of all the 290 lawmakers sign a motion summoning him.

Iranian conservatives and Ahmadinejad have locked horns over some domestic and international policies, appointments and removal of key political figures.

This is the second time that such a motion has been presented for questioning the president.

In late June, a motion signed by 100 lawmakers was submitted to the Iranian parliament calling for questioning Ahmadinejad. But as many as 14 of those lawmakers retracted their signatures.