Home Indian Muslim Islamic cultural programmes followed Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations

Islamic cultural programmes followed Eid-ul-Fitr celebrations

By: Dr. Syed Ahmed, for TwoCircles.net,

After the colourful celebrations of Eid-ul-Fitr, Muslims in Manipur organized Islamic cultural programmes in many parts of the state. Qirat, Nat and Islamic quiz competitions were the main highlights of these cultural programmes, mainly organized by the ulema and madarsa students. The programmes were held just after the Eid-ul-Fitr because it was the time when the Muslim students from Manipur studying in the madarsas of Manipur and in other parts of India got their vacation for the festival.

One such Islamic cultural programme, ‘First State Level Open Islamic Cultural Competition’ was organized by the Islamic Youth Educational and Cultural Organization (IYECO) of Sora at Sora Bazar Community Hall in Thoubal district of Manipur on September 4, 2011.

The chief guest of the programme was Maulana Nijamuddin Saheb, the Sadar Mudarris of Darul Uloom, Lilong Haoreibi, while Alhaj AR Khan (IAS Retd.) presided over the programme. Other dignitaries who graced the occasion include Alhaj Mufti Munawwar Ali Qasmi, the Mohtamim of Madrasa Hussainia of Sora, Alhaj Abdul Haque Qasmi, Mohtamim of Jamia Rahmania Sora, Maulana Riyajuddin Saheb, Sadar of Anjuman Nasrul Islam of Sora and Mohd. Raheijuddin Sheikh, Lecturer of DM College of Sciences.

Qirat, Nat (Manipuri and Urdu) and Taqrir (in Manipuri) competitions were the main items of the day-long programme. Around 70 competitors took part in the competition. Five teams took part in the Islamic Quiz competition. The well-known quiz-master of the state, Mohd. Raheijuddin Sheikh, conducted the quiz competition. Taqrir or ex-tempore speech was conducted by Mufti Salatur Rahman of Islamic Research and Dawa Centre, based at Imphal. The function was attended by a huge crowd.

Another such cultural programme, also titled ‘First State Level Open Islamic Cultural Competition’ was organized by Jamiatul-Ulema-e-Hangul, on September 3, 2011 at the campus of Merciful English School at Hayel Hangul, in Thoubal district.

Banner of the cultural programme

Jiten Singh, the Upa-Adhaksha (Thoubal) graced as the chief guest of the programme and Maulana Alimuddin, the president of Jamiatul-Ulema-e-Hangul presided over the function. Mohd. Sikander Ali, Pradhan (Hayel Hangul Gram Panchayat), Mohd. Islamuddin, President and Mohd. Rajouddin, Secretary of the non-governmental organization Integrated Rural Development Agency (IRDA) were the guests of honour of the programme.

Qirat and Nat (Manipuri and Urdu) competitions were the main items of the cultural programme. More than 50 competitors, mostly madarsa students between the age-group of 15-25, took part in the competition.

A competitor giving his performance

A huge crowd gathered at the function which started at around 7 am in morning and continued till 9 pm.Cash prizes along with certificates were given to the competitors who secured first, second and third ranks in the various items of the competition.

The crowd gathered at the cultural programme