Home Science/Health BRICS discuss steps to check non-communicable diseases

BRICS discuss steps to check non-communicable diseases


United Nations: Leaders of BRICS states – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – Wednesday held discussions to prepare a roadmap to tackle the menace of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and associated risk factors.

BRICS Health Ministers’ Round Table conference was held on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly’s high level meeting on non-communicable diseases in New York, US.

The meeting was hosted by Chinese Health Minister Chen Zhu. India was represented by Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad.

Azad stated that the BRICS countries should have a roadmap to work in close cooperation in these areas.

He stressed that it is essential for the treatment and management of NCDs that accessibility and affordability of medicines should not be hindered.

Stating that the BRICS forum enjoys a special status since the countries taken together account for approximately 42 percent of the world population, Azad urged the BRICS countries to use their considerable expertise and work out short, medium and long term steps as part of the road map to tackle the menace of NCDs and the associated risk factors.

The BRICS health ministers’ conference concluded that detailed technical discussions would be held in the identified areas to work out the road map for collaboration and that the countries will closely cooperate to achieve progress in common areas of interest.