Home India News Polish shoes at temple, court orders teen for harassing girl

Polish shoes at temple, court orders teen for harassing girl


Bhubaneswar: The Orissa High Court has granted bail to a man accused of misbehaving with a young girl at a marriage function in Orissa, on the condition that he will polish shoes of devotees at a temple for three months, a lawyer said Tuesday.

Justice C.R. Das granted bail to 19-year-old Suman Patra, a resident of Cuttack, so that he could correct himself, Patra’s lawyer Kali Prasanna Mishra told IANS.

“This is unconstitutional. It is also a violation of human rights. We may file a petition in the same court seeking a correction of the order,” said Patra’s lawyer.

Patra was arrested July 4 on the charge of misbehaving with a girl the previous night during a marriage function at Cuttack, 26 km from here. He was also accused of beating up the members of the girl’s family when they allegedly opposed him.

A lower court earlier rejected his bail plea. Challenging the trial court order, his lawyer moved the high court.

One of the conditions the high court has laid down while granting the bail was that Patra polish shoes of the devotees at Chandi temple at Cuttack, Patra’s lawyer said.

The court said every Sunday at 4 p.m. Patra will appear before the investigating officer, who will make arrangements to take him to the temple where he perform community service for two hours, he said.

He will continue to do so for 12 weeks, Patra’s lawyer said.

Purighat police station chief Harihar Dora said police received the court order Tuesday and would execute it. The judge passed the order Sep 9, he said.

“Such a condition was unheard of,” Bibhu Prasad Tripathy, another high court lawyer, told IANS.