Home India Politics UPA-II will last full 5-year term: PM

UPA-II will last full 5-year term: PM


On Board Air India One: Accusing the opposition of “destabilising the polity”, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh asserted Tuesday that his government will last its full five-year term.

“I have said this in Parliament that we have the mandate of the people to govern for five years and the opposition should wait for two-and-a-half years,” Manmohan Singh told reporters on his special flight back home after a six-day trip to New York, during which he attended the UN General Assembly session.

“They have got some weak points of our government and think that (they) can force elections. This is not the way. This government has the mandate for five years. It will stay its course and we will do so,” he said.

When asked about a possible reshuffle, the prime minister said if there was one, journalists would come to know about this.