Home India News Review law on property rights: Supreme Court

Review law on property rights: Supreme Court


New Delhi: The Supreme Court Friday said that parliament may consider abolishing or amending a law that enables a trespasser take the title of a building or land from the true owner in certain conditions.

An apex court bench of Justice Dalveer Bhandari and Justice Deepak Verma noted that people were often astonished to learn that a trespasser may take the title of a building or land from the true owner in certain conditions and such theft was even authorised by law.

“The theory of adverse possession is also perceived by the general public as a dishonest way to obtain title to property,” the court said.

“Property right advocates argue that mistakes by landowners or negligence on their part should never transfer their property rights to a wrongdoer, who never paid valuable consideration for such an interest,” the court said.