Home India News Malaria awareness – in a stylish way

Malaria awareness – in a stylish way


(Today is World Malaria Day)

New Delhi : A group of students in the national capital proved that style and malaria awareness can go hand in hand — with models walking the ramp wearing dresses made of mosquito net in a fashion show Wednesday to create awareness about the use of mosquito nets.

The fashion show was organised jointly by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation (TBFF), the J.D. institute of fashion technology and south Delhi’s Hard Rock cafe, who have all started a campaign ‘Where’s The Net’ on usage of mosquito nets. April 25 is ‘World Malaria Day’.

“It’s a great way of raising awareness about malaria, a disease which is both preventable and treatable,” Vaibhav Gaurav, one among the nine students who was involved in the designing of the dresses said.

“The fashion show will be conducted again on the coming Saturday, which will feature creative garments made out of blue and white anti-malaria bed nets to highlight the presence of mosquito-borne diseases. The fashion show and the campaign brings the message of malaria prevention to communities across the globe,” Sandhya Gupta, one of the coordinators of TBFF said.

Gupta also said TBFF has given away mosquito nets for about 10,000 houses in Savda Ghevra, on the outskirts of Delhi.