Home India News With Rs.669 crore, UP speeds up Kumbh Mela work

With Rs.669 crore, UP speeds up Kumbh Mela work


Lucknow : The Uttar Pradesh government has taken up Kumbh Mela 2013 on a priority basis and asked various agencies to speed up work on a war footing, with Rs.669 crore sanctioned for the mega religious event.

An allocation of Rs.93 crore has been made for the Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) for electrification of the venue in Allahabad, and Rs.41.92 crore to the irrigation department for strengthening embankments around the Ganga and Yamuna rivers. The Uttar Pradesh Jal Nigam has been given Rs.20.56 crore for preliminary work and the Allahabad Development Authority (ADA) Rs.50.63 crore for improving the city infrastructure.

For the religious congregation which witnesses a turnout of millions of devout from across the world, the ADA has been asked to beautify the city, and the tourism department has been sanctioned a sum of Rs.1.65 crore to erect entry gates for the Kumbh Mela complex.