Home International Myanmar drops 2,000 people from black-lists

Myanmar drops 2,000 people from black-lists


Yangon: The Myanmar government Thursday published detailed list of 2,082 of the 6,165 people who have been removed from the black-lists in line with the government’s current reform policy, said a media report.

Of the 2,082 people, 935 are Myanmar dissidents residing at home and abroad, while 1,147 are foreigners from various countries and regions, both the East and the West, according to the website of the president’s office, Xinhua reported.

The Myanmar dissidents include those from organisations in exile and media persons who opposed the previous military government.

The lifting of the black-lists of Myanmar nationals, some of whom hold foreign citizenship, will encourage and enable them to return in light of its political and economic reform process, the official media said.

Since taking office March 30, 2011, President U Thein Sein’s new government has on a number of occasions urged Myanmar experts residing abroad to return home to join hands with the government to do their bit for economic prosperity and national development.