Home Indian Muslim Jamaat demands Mamata to resolve Muslim issues on priority basis

Jamaat demands Mamata to resolve Muslim issues on priority basis

By ZaidulHaque, TwoCircles.net,

Kolkata: While reminding her of mass support of Muslims in the last assembly election, Jamaat-e-Islami Hind on Thursday demanded Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to resolve the Muslim issues on priority basis as she had promised to do during her election campaigns.

The Left Front regime little cared about Muslims in West Bengal. For long 34 years Muslims remained neglected. Now new government has been formed by Trinamul Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee. We hope she will do the needful to solve the Muslim problems in West Bengal, said Maulana Syed Jalaluddin Umri, President of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind while addressing the press at Kolkata Press Club here on Thursday.

(L-R) Dr Masiur Rahman (Editor: Mizan Weekly), Md Nuruddin (West Bengal president of Jamaat), Maulana Jalaluddin Umri (National President), Nusrat Ali (General Secretary) and Urdu Writer & Columnist Syed Ali

Maulana Umri said, “Before the state Assembly election in West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee had made promises to do for the benefit of Muslims. We supported her without any question. Now we expect she fulfills her promises at any cost.”“We want, she should solve the problems of West Bengal’s Muslims on priority basis,”Umri added.

He, however, agreed that as Muslims have been deprived since Independence, all problems of the community could not be solved in eight months ruling of Mamata Banerjee. But Maulana Umri expressed hope that Mamata would give more importance to problems of Muslims and would solve them as soon as possible.

Some state and national leaders of Jamaat including General Secretary ofJamaat-e-Islami Hind Nusrat Ali, West Bengal president Md Nuruddin, renowned Urdu Journalist& Columnist Syed Ali, Editor of West Bengal Jamaat Mouth piece `Mizan’ Weekly Dr Masihur Rahman were also present at the press conference.