New Delhi : With the special investigation team (SIT) submitting its final report to a Gujarat court on Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s role in the 2002 communal riots, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Saturday said that the case should now be closed even if some groups seemed interested in victimising him.
“It seems there are some groups which are interested not in justice for the victims, but more in victimising the chief minister,” BJP spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman told IANS.
She said the party would not comment on the SIT report unless it is made public.
“Ten years have gone, and there is not a single FIR (first informationr report) against the chief minister, so the BJP feels that let the magistrate take the call, but the case should be closed now,” she said.
The Supreme Court ordered a probe into the role of chief minister Modi in allegedly abetting the 2002 riots after Zakia Jafri, widow of former Congress MP Ehsan Jafri, filed a petition demanding his prosecution. Ehsan jafri was killed in Gujarat during the riots.
The SIT submitted its report to a Gujarat court Wednesday.
The BJP Friday announced Modi’s participation in Uttar Pradesh poll campaign, saying that he had so far been absent from poll campaign due to his Sadbhavana mission in Gujarat.
Sitharaman said Modi’s commitment to the Sadbhavana mission in Gujarat had kept him busy.
Modi’s last Sadbhavana mission fast will be held Sunday in north Gujarat’s pilgrim town Ambaji. This will be his 33rd fast in a series which started from Ahmedabad Sep 17 last year.
Party vice pesident Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Friday announced that the dates for Modi’s campaign in Uttar Pradesh were being finalized. The star BJP chief minister had kept away from the party’s campaigns in Uttarakhand and Punjab.