Home Articles Aleem Khan: A relentless fighter against dowry

Aleem Khan: A relentless fighter against dowry

By Manzar Bilal, TwoCircles.net,

Despite the fact that Islam strongly prohibits dowry, this tradition is growing fast among Muslims. Indeed, there is an urgent need to wake up the community against dowry which causes destruction of several lives and families. Mohammed Aleemullah Khan alias Aleem Khan Falaki who has been trying in his capacity to erase the dirty tradition of dowry from the society says: “dowry is the root of all evils in the society.”

Born in Hyderabad, India in 1956, Aleem Khan runs his business in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. He started his mission against dowry with creating awareness among the Muslims from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh living in Saudi Arabia by holding functions and seminars. He also wrote several books and booklets in Urdu, Hindi and English on dowry and its bad effect on the society.

Every time he visits India, he adopts a region to campaign against the dowry. Recently, he was in India and campaigned in Kolkata and other parts of West Bengal against the dowry. TCN interviewed with him on his life and anti-dowry struggle.

Tell us about yourself and activities?

A: I am Mohammed Aleemullah Khan alias Aleem Khan Falaki. Born in Hyderabad, India in 1956, I did graduation from Osmania University, Hyderabad and did MA and M.Phil from Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad (MANUU) while my PhD is going on from the same University.

Since the topic of social reform (Islah-e-Moashera) is considered as religious or social subject, I wanted to bring this on academic level. My M.Phil topic was “Dowry – An open violation to Human Rights and Woman’s Rights” while I am doing PhD on the topic “Marginalization of woman in Muslim society”. I also did a diploma in marriage counseling from Leister, UK.

My father Mohammad Khaleelullah Khan was a scholar and very popular in Maharashtra areas of Parbhani, Aurangabad during 70s and 80s. He was the main inspiration for me in speech and writing.

When did you form the Muslim Socio Reforms Society?

A: It was formed in 1992 when there was a strong wave against the Muslims after the demolition of Babri Masjid. The only solution appeared to me is to change the society and bring it on right teachings of Islam. I was inspired by the words of Deputy Nazeer Ahmed in his book “all the Prophets were the social reformers first, whoever will do the social reform work of his time, he will work on the Prophetic mission”.

Incidentally, in those days, Former President of All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Late Maulana Qazi Mujahidul Islam Qasmi and Dr. Israr Ahmed of Pakistan had visited Jeddah. We discussed the issue with them. Qazi Mujahidul Islam sahab who was very strong against the dowry encouraged us and patronized too. Dr. Israr Ahmed too delivered very inspiring speeches against the dowry.

Then with the help of few youths, we established the Muslim Socio Reforms Society.

What was the idea and goal behind its formation?

A: The idea was that no religious, social or political jamaat is working on social reforms. They do hold the functions but the functions are just for the sake of completing the agenda of the year in which they show number of various programs they did. To bring actual change neither it is in their planning nor have they vision. They do not realize as to how badly the society is shattered financially and morally due to the dowry. We concentrated on 3 point agenda

1. Eradication of dowry system and the dinner expenses imposed on the parents of the bride.

2. Due to lack of counseling, the number of divorces and strained relations are increasing day by day. We have to prepare counselors.

3. Revive the Islamic courts like Imarat-e-Sharia Bihar established the examples. No Muslim’s conflicts should go to the courts. Our own scholars and muftis should be engaged as Quran is the constitution of life and can solve our problems.

4. People have made it a picnic to perform nafil Umra and Haj every year. We aim to persuade the people to use this money for the upliftment of Madarsa, poor students, Jamats, and other welfare works. We have got Fatwa too that it is preferred to spend on the poor or destitute than to offer nafil Umra and Haj.

Why did you select dowry among so many evils in the society?

A: Dowry is the root of all evils or you can say it is the mother of all evils. As Muslims have adopted dowry system from other communities, I realized that they can get rid of hundreds of evils if they give up the dowry system. At the same time, this can become a biggest tool of dawat to non-Muslims too.

This evil did not exist so much until 2-3 decades ago. It started with the NRIs who went to Gulf mostly in 70s and 80s. Every father of the girl started to search for a well set son-in-law. The competition started and the rich people set the models of huge dowries and dinners. As a result, every boy became greedy which compelled everyone to offer max to his daughter or sister by hook or by crook.
If the burden of the dowry for the daughters or sisters is removed from the heads of the fathers and brothers, 50% of our men will be free to dedicate themselves for good social, religious or other services. If you see these evils which are increasing day by day like lie, bribery, prostitution etc are for the sake of accumulating money for the dowry.

Similarly, we complain that there are no IAS, IPS, etc in our community. From where will they come? To produce the top educated officers, we need to send our children to good schools too. The main income of fathers and brothers is invested on the dowries, how can they send the children to big schools? I have seen people paying interests on the loans taken for the marriages but cannot pay the fees of the schools.

It is a social blackmail. The parents of the daughters are always under pressure due to the fear that the groom, his mother and sisters will raise fingers on their daughters all the life.

An average Muslim family has 5-6 children. The parents struggle all their life in bringing them up and pay debts and interests for their daughters’ marriages all their life. When they come to old age, they get nothing left for their support and as a result they become dependents on sons and daughters-in-law.

What are the ways you are adopting to fight against the dowry?

A: Our goal is “sow the thorns” in the minds and conscience. We work hard through speeches and articles to make people realize that dowry system is not a mere social evil but a question of “Halaal and Haraam”

I have written some booklets like “Mard bhi jism bechte hain…. jahez ke liye (Urdu)” and “Mard bhi bikte hain…jahez ke liye (Urdu, Hindi).”

We are adopting different ways to reach to the masses and wake them up against the dowry. For examples;

1. We distribute the booklets wherever we address. Alhamdulillah the demand of the books is so high that until now we have published 40,000 in Urdu, 10,000 in Hindi, 10,000 in Telugu, 20,000 each in Bengali and English (the printing is underway).

2. We go mainly to colleges and universities to address the youths. We find more enthusiasm in the youths than the old people who have already taken and eaten away the dowry.

3. Wherever we go, we request the local scholars of whatever school of thought they belong, to lead us and preside over functions.

4. Going to Hindu masses too where we are conveying the Islamic teachings not directly but between the lines. For your surprise, the Hindu audience is giving more response than the Muslims.
5. We created a website http://www.socioreforms.com/, also using youtube, Facebook, daily email, and newsletter by mail every month to spread our message. We are working on ideas of making Film or serial.

6. We are training speakers to go to village to village and city to city.

In which areas of India have you carried out anti-dowry campaign so far?

A: I started my anti-dowry campaign 20 years ago mainly through writings and small functions in Jeddah, Riyadh and Dammam. But for last 5 years, I started concentrating much on this. I organized a seminar and gathered Barelvi, Deobandi, Salafi, MIM and TV preachers on one stage in Jeddah, Dammam and Jubail. I am visiting various places in India every alternate month. So far we campaigned in different parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and West Bengal.

Through the experience we found “more poverty more dowry'”. Rich people do not negotiate the dowry as it comes by default in their homes. But since they are the trend-setters, this automatically becomes a compulsion for the masses.

Which states/areas do you think is most affected with this un-Islamic tradition of dowry?

A: Until now, I can say there is no state better than other. The Muslim community all over India is affected by the dowry system badly. People are drowned in the debts. They pay interest on the first day of the month but cannot pay the fees of the school.

Everywhere dowry exists under different names. Those who avoid the dowry strictly are hardly 5% in India.

Recently you campaigned in West Bengal, so how was your experience there?

A: I found West Bengal is worst hit of dowry system. The Muslim’s economic and moral situation is appalling. Girl’s education among Muslims is not encouraged. The girls go out for jobs, mostly as maids and fell victim to rich boys from where they have no return except they have to take shelter into Ashrams, centres of Mother Teresa or prostitution centers.

The men, mostly labors, vegetable vendors, coolies migrated from other states demand money, room and household items as dowry. Minimum Rs. 50,000 is common net dowry besides other items. I met many Muslim girls living as wife or keep of Hindus. The main reason, as majority told, their fathers cannot arrange the dowry for their marriage. The crime rate is high among Muslims, as the fathers and brothers have to accumulate money for the dowry of their daughters and sisters.

How was the response of the people from the areas you have worked in?

A: Alhamdulillah the response was so overwhelming that it looks this campaign is the voice of every heart. Particularly in Juma Khutbas, we found that the people are fed up with the traditional speeches, and want new revolutionary topics. We asked the people who want to support our mission to give their addresses or emails as a sign of their support. In loud voice and by raising hands most of the people pledged that not only they will boycott the dowry based marriages but also will boycott the wedding day dinners where the grooms shamelessly take their 200 plus guests to dine on the expense of bride’s father. The young girls too are awakening but our access to the women is limited otherwise this mission can be more successful in a short time.

Who do you think can play vital role and should come forward for this mission?

A: Mashaeikh (Ahle tasawwuf) are ruling over the minds and faith. Majority of the community follow them blindly. They should come forward and persuade their devotees and followers to adopt the real Sunnat and refrain from dowry which is haraam.

Our scholars and organizations need to give attention to this problem. They should have a planned strategy on war scale and terminate the membership of their members if they commit this act.

No Imam, Hafiz, Khateeb, Qazi should take part in any such marriage which is done on exchange of dowry.

The newspapers/magazines should avoid publishing the photos of such marriages because this lures everyone to call scholars, celebrities, leaders in their pompous marriage parties and publish the photos.

What kind of problems did you face during your work?

Those who have taken dowry or are greedy of dowry want to silence this mission through character assassination. They tried to stop people from coming to our programs by spreading the propaganda that “These are Wahabies, Salafies, Qadiyanis and Indian Embassy’s agents etc”. Some miscreants hacked our mail boxes, website, wrote to Embassy that we are Lashkar-e-Tayba, Indian Mujahideen’s fund collectors. They sent mails to many and distributed pamphlets even that we are anti-national, anti-Hindu and spreading unrest in the country. Embassy people did harass us in the beginning but now, Alhamdulillah, they know us and our mission.

The media is not cooperating well. At least the Urdu media should have come forward to help us by giving space to our news but they make us beg to publish the news or articles. Local TV channels demanded money to relay our seminars or speeches. Their owners pose themselves as the great social workers but inside their offices they are greedy businessmen.

Some Jamaats and Ulema are showing clear reluctance as if we are going to replace them. There is no reason why they feel insecure. Some Jamaats openly spread the gossips that these people are eager to become leaders.

But all do not come in the same category like Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani, late Maulana Qazi Mujahidul Islam Qasmi, who supported us overwhelmingly. Similarly, Jamiat Ulema’s (both factions) scholars offered help and collected huge gatherings where we went to campaign particularly in Maharashtra and Kolkata.

What are the future programs in this regard?

A: In March 2012 this year Inshallah I will visit Bihar. I talked to many organizations but no one has come up with a confirmation that they can organize the lectures and visits to many places. We do not need sponsors but guides only. We will bear our own cost of traveling, boarding and lodging as well as transportation.

I will visit Sholapur of Maharashtra in April 2012. Andhra, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu too are worst in dowry rituals. I have to visit these places within two years. Then I will plan how to launch a collective fight against it.

We are trying to get funds from the Ministry of Social Affairs who has budget to finance on these issues. If we succeed, it will open the doors of Doordarshan and our entry into small screen will be easy.

We are trying hard to get support from Political people too like Asaduddin Owaisi, Abu Asim Azmi etc. Once we get strong support from politicians, our entry to colleges, mosques and masses will be easier.

I had thought Muslim Personal Law Board will help outright as this mission is included in their agenda, but I was disappointed after meeting some of its top leaders. I wanted to credit the whole campaign to them but they do not allow non-members to run any campaign under the organisation’ name. I agreed to become member too but they said NRIs cannot become member.