By Sarfaraz Ahsan,
Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India while addressing the graduates of the Allahabad University in 1947, said: “A university stands for humanism, for tolerance, for reason, for the adventure of ideas and for the search for truth. It stands for the onward march of the human race toward higher objectives. Universities are places of ideals and idealism. If the universities discharge their duties adequately, then, it is well with the nation and the people.”
The above statement actually proved to be a guiding principle and philosophy for establishment of university for higher education and research in the independent India.
Education is the key to the task of nation building as well as to provide requisite knowledge and skills required for sustained growth of the economy and to ensure overall progress. As far as overall education is concerned, Bihar is one of the states which lag behind other states in the country. The contributing factors for this situation in Bihar are not one or two but innumerable reasons and can be affirmed as “ignorance of opportunities in the past led Bihar towards backwardness”.
As per the data available at different sources on developmental indexes, it is evident that Bihar is the most backward state among all. As per, for example education sector, State-wise Ranking on “Composite Educational Development Index (Primary and Upper Primary) Bihar was ranked at the last i.e. at 35th position among all States / UTs during 2007-08 and 2009-10 while during 2008-09 it was ranked 34th just ahead of Jharkhand state. Also, as per Economic Survey 2009-10, ( State-wise literacy rate, Bihar was at lowest position with 37.49% in 1991 and 47.00% in 2001.
State-wise literacy rate of a few large states of India during 1951 to 2001 (Source; Economic Survey 2009-10,
Uttar Pradesh——–12.02—–20.87—–23.99——32.65—-40.71—56.27
Madhya Pradesh—-13.16——21.41—–27.27——38.63—-44.67—63.74
Gujarat —————-21.82—–31.47—–36.95——44.92—–61.29—69.14
The above data shows that even the state has similar challenges and resources but doing pretty well in terms of overall growth towards education. For example, Rajasthan which had 8.5% literacy rate in 1951 whereas Bihar had 13.49% literacy rate at the same time, however in 2001, Rajasthan with a literacy rate of 60.41% is much ahead of Bihar which has 47.00% literacy rate. As far as literacy rate is concerned, what Bihar has achieved in 2001 (47.00%), Maharashtra achieved it in 1960s and 70s Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh achieved it during 1980s, and interestingly what Bihar has achieved in 2001, Kerala had achieved it 50 years before.
The development of a particular state is very much reliant on the quality of governance. Bihar specially wants to forget the era of RJD governance (1990 to 2005) which was revolved around individual power centric approach, state corruption, caste & group and which had lack of visionary strategy for all round growth. Per capita Income in Bihar grew by 2.45% during the 1980s, against 3.32% in India as a whole. In the 1990s, per capita income grew by 0.12% in Bihar as against 4.08% in India. “The petty politics of power in 1990s and early 2000s, resulted backwardness in all fronts of developments which deteriorated further with increased rate of poverty, unemployment, unfriendly business and investment environments in the state”.
Dawn of Bihar was experienced by its people when the result of Bihar Assembly Election 2005 was declared and Nitish Kumar led NDA government came to power. Since then, the Nitish government is very much focused on positive growth of the state as a whole and set priority to create investment opportunities for big industrial players like Reliance, Infosys and Godrej etc. There is a great focus on meaningful democracy with more proactive bureaucracy which leads enhanced law and order situation (except a few such as Forbesganj etc.) in Bihar. It is evident that now Bihar is on the way of dynamic pace for overall development. At the same time the state should also focus on establishing regional balance for 360 degree progress and all-round empowerment. The state has taken a few steps towards establishment of education institutions such as extension center of BIT Mesra at Patna, National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER) at Hajipur, National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) at Patna, revamp of Nalanda University etc. in order the cater the need of aboriginals and meet the demands put forwarded by the growing industry and services. The state is also having now IIT Patna. “Creation and establishment of such institutes of higher learning and research will attract local people and shall contribute at large in order to meet the growing needs and build up the state”.
The backward Kishanganj
When we say establishing regional balance for 360 degree progress and all-round development and empowerment, the Seemanchal area is one of the most deprived regions of the state and further in Seemanchal, the district of Kishanganj is one of the most backward districts of Bihar in spite of having its strategic location. As per the Census Statistics of Bihar (, the literacy rate of Kishanganj in 2001 was 31.02%, the lowest in Bihar. The female literacy rate at the same year was 18.49%, this is again lowest in Bihar. In addition, the district has no major industry except a few small scale agro-based industries. The state government has to ponder on these indicators and has to make visionary strategy especially toward education for bringing this particular region into mainstream of development socially and economically.
After so much of ignorance by the subsequent governments, the people of Kishanganj had seen hope when the Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis during late 2007 and early 2008 launched a massive expansion programme and establishing five AMU Special Centers, one in Kishanganj (initially in Katihar), Bihar along with other four such centers, one in Kerala, one in Maharashtra, one in West Bengal and one in Madhya Pradesh. Salute to Prof. Azis, the outgoing Vice Chancellor of AMU who has given a great momentum to spread everywhere and making the dream of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan into reality and establishing these special centers at all corners of the nation.
The Government of Bihar proposed Kishanganj instead of Katihar in order to establish the Special Centre of Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh and that showed the intention of this government to establish such a center for upbringing of extremely educationally deprived region of the state. However, may be due to coalition government and other factors, it took 3 to 4 years for Government to allocate and acquire land for the center and finally on Dec 30, 2011 the Government of Bihar officially and legally transferred the land in the name AMU to establish its special center. Behind this reality, people of Kishanganj in particular and Bihar in general had put enormous energy & resources and had launched massive campaign & movement, had sleepless nights and then second step in the process could be possible and completed. The leaders involved making this dream into reality are also facing the legal consequences as they have been ridiculously charged by the government which is obvious irrational and highly condemnable. The people on the other hand those who never favored such initiative of social change at the region, they have restlessness and create hurdles in the process as we have witnessed on many occasions but the stakeholders are so much on alert and will remain attentive until all the social evils will be forced to defeat and grounded. The journey has begun and the destination is far away, each and every little step taken and endeavor made will be the source of inspiration to go extra miles. Prof. Azis, the outgoing VC of AMU foresees this special center as an established University 10 years down the line and we the inhabitant of the area prophesy the same and will contribute tangibly or non-tangibly at fullest to make this happen and beyond that the Kishanganj would be one of the renowned education hubs in the East. The people of Kishanganj have imperative assignment and a huge responsibility to ensure the dream project to be fulfilled in the coming days. “Merely transferring the required land to AMU Administration doesn’t fulfill the commitment towards development and empowerment in the region rather the Bihar Government has to play proactive role beyond petty politics and must prove its worthiness towards full-fledged establishment of the AMU Special Center Kishanganj in collaboration with the Central Government and the AMU Administration in the coming days”. The state government has to depute its cadres and ensure active involvement of local and state machineries for a fast track facilities development at the site such as construction of main roads, sub-station for power & electricity etc. and also utmost important to ensure safety and security of the property. This overlooked region requires many primary schools, middle schools and high schools with complete infrastructure as per requirement based on area and density of population. The people of Kishanganj expect and are very much hopeful from this Nitish Kumar’s government a fair democracy and politics which are beyond politics of parsimoniousness. If Government of Bihar wants to bring the State into the mainstream of development comparable to other states of the country, the whole Seemanchal region and the state too requires action plans based on certain core values and principles and these are believing in the power of peace, harmony, unity in diversity, sustainable development, passion & integrity, compassion and respect for others, peoples participation, equality and social justice, without any prejudice in respect of caste, race, gender, ethnicity, social or political groups, socio economic status or religions. This will certainly help in creation of New Bihar which will have pride and integrity.
The pioneer of education in India “Swami Vivekanand’ said “We want that education by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded and by which one can stand on one’s own feet. Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man”.
(The writer is Deputy Administrative Officer, International Relations
Management Development Institute, Gurgaon.)