Home International China terms its criticism by Clinton over Syria unacceptable

China terms its criticism by Clinton over Syria unacceptable


Beijing: Beijing has described US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s criticism of China at the latest Friends of Syria meeting as “unacceptable”, Xinhua reported.

On Friday, Clinton criticised China and Russia, saying both the countries should be told that they would pay a price for their support to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

She said Russia and China were “holding up progress” in a settlement to the 16-month crisis, describing their stances as “no longer tolerable”.

On Saturday, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Liu Weimin during a regular press conference said: “China is not impeding the process of resolving the Syrian issues.”

“On the contrary, China has made an important contribution to safeguarding the UN Charter, the basic norms governing international relations, the peace and stability of the region and the fundamental interests of the Syrian people as well as pursuing a political solution to the Syrian issues,” Liu added.

The spokesperson said the Geneva meeting, a ministerial-level gathering of the Action Group on Syria in which China played a constructive role, produced positive outcomes.

On June 30, the Geneva meeting gathered foreign ministers of the UN Security Council’s five permanent members along with Turkey, Kuwait, Qatar, Iraq, plus representatives of the UN, the Arab League and the European Union.

The ministers agreed that a transitional government should be set up in Syria to end the conflict but did not stipulate the ouster of President Bashar al-Assad.

China’s impartial and constructive stance as well as its diplomatic efforts have been widely recognised and supported by the international community, said Liu, adding that any efforts to blame the image of China or make mischief between it and other nations will end in vain.