Home Muslim World News Russia, China veto UNSC draft resolution on Syria

Russia, China veto UNSC draft resolution on Syria


United Nations : Russia and China, two permanent members of the UN Security Council, Thursday wielded their veto power over a Western-proposed draft resolution on Syria, Xinhua reported.

The draft demanded extension of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) for a period of 45 days, and threatened non-military sanctions if the Syrian government failed to pull out troops and heavy weapons from populated areas.

The resolution received 11 votes in favour and two against. There were two abstentions.

The draft demanded that “all parties in Syria, including the opposition, immediately cease all armed violence in all its forms, thereby creating an atmosphere conducive to a sustained cessation of violence and a Syria-led political transition”.

It further indicated that if the Syrian authorities do not fully comply with the requirement within 10 days, the UN Security Council “shall impose immediately measures under Article 41 of the UN Charter”.

Article 41 gives the council the right to employ economic and diplomatic sanctions — not involving the use of armed force — to give effect of its decision and may call member states to apply such measures.