His research paper “Intrinsic Laws of Motion Are Invariant” was published by Physics Essays scientific journal.
By Pervez Bari, TwoCircles.net,
Bhopal: It has been observed that in the recent years that many scientists are seen raising fingers on Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. In the midst of this dissatisfaction on the relativity theory an Indian scientist Mr. Mohammed Javed Khilji based at Gwalior, a town in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, has claimed to have redone Special Theory of Relativity. His research paper “Intrinsic Laws of Motion Are Invariant” has been published in Physics Essays, Vol. 24, issue 4, December 2011. ( http://dx.doi.org/10.4006/1.3660803)
In an exclusive interview to this Correspondent Mr. Mohammed Javed Khilji informed that after a two-and-half-years of rigorous peer review, his paper was finally published in the journal on December 19, 2011. He said he has raised some very fundamental questions on the very definition of relative motion and pointed out great flaw in Doppler’s effect. He has redefined relative motion as a synthesis of both real and imaginary motions rejecting the existing definition which defines it merely a direction reversal with real velocities.

Mr. Khilji revealed that he was taken aback to notice as to how an stationary object can be said to be moving with real velocity no matter what the situation prevails, negative and positive only indicates the direction but with real velocity. He emphasized that the stationary frame moving with real velocity is just as beating a dead horse. The stationary object only appears to be moving from moving frame and that too till the moving one remains in motion. So, this appearance can only be associated with imaginary movement but in no way it can be said to be a real motion. And this is the key of his research paper, he added.
While pointing out flaw in Doppler’s effect in the existing literature, Mr. Khilji has corrected the Doppler’s formula in the changed perspective of relative motion as
for receding and
for approaching as against the
for receding and
for approaching, in the existing literature.
Mr. Khilji’s one of the most significant finding is the differentiation between vector and scalar quantities. He proved that vector quantities reflect reciprocity whereas scalars show inverse effect. His theory successfully resolves the twin paradox as his theory clubs time dilation with time concentration which is a new concept put forward in his paper.
Similarly, the new mass-velocity relation very successfully handles infinity catastrophe which is the case in the existing relation when particle touches the optical velocity limit. According to the new relation a particle at optical velocity transforms itself into photons which are the constituents of light. This way it can be found useful in explaining the cause of the GRBs (Gamma Rays Burst ) phenomenon, also the cause of the birth of anti-matters and the nature of cosmic rays and dark matter, Mr. Khilji explained.
Mr. Khilji’s paper seems to be gaining momentum which is clear from the read history of the article in the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) which is a Digital Library portal for researchers in Astronomy and Physics, operated by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) under a NASA grant. So far the Reads’ number of the paper is found highest among the contemporary research articles of the same issue of the journal. This paper can also be seen on some more popular sites such as National Research Council Canada, High Beam Research etc.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Mathematics Department in Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, Prof. Zafar Ahsan, who is among the “Top 100 Scientists of the World 2011” by International Biographical Centre, Cambridge (England), and a recipient of “The International EINSTEIN AWARD (2011), has appreciated Khilji’s work in his comments as follows:-
“The findings of the above paper are new, thought provoking and needs the attention of physicists in general and to special relativists in particular. The investigations of the paper open a new paper, mathematical calculations and relations are correct and precise”.
Prof. Ahsan commented: “In fact, Mr. Khilji has proposed a method to identify the inertial frames of reference and determined the motion of an observer in the universe, which is supposed to be isotropic, without incorporating the third reference point. The reciprocal electrodynamics is shown to be a special case of Einstein ‘a Special Theory of Relativity, and a flaw in the Doppler’s effect has been pointed out”.
“The observations about the vector and scalar quantities have also been made by the author in his paper and it is seen that scalar quantities never be reciprocal. The phenomenon of time dilation and concentration, the variation of mass with velocity and other related concepts have been dealt very successfully in the paper”, Prof. Ahsan opined.
Prof. Ahsan is also recipient of “Rashtriya Gaurav Award” (2007), “Shiksha Rattan Puraskar” (2007) and “The Best Citizens of India Award” (2006, 2007, 2008).
Meanwhile, it may be pointed out here that Mr. Khilji’s one more related paper was published under the title of “Modified Field Theory” in an online international journal ‘Journal of Theoretics’ in its Vol. 6-6 in December 2004 (available on its website http://journaloftheoretics.com/second-index.htm URL www.journaloftheoretics.com/Articles/6-6/MOHD%20field.pdf), states that when a material particle attains the velocity of light it transforms itself into light particle photons. It is contrary to Einstein’s prediction of infinite mass which becomes motionless. In this paper he had pointed out how Einstein’s famous mass velocity relation is inappropriate and what could be the possible change that can improve the theory. This paper was solely based on kinematics ground and it was only one case of mass velocity relation.
However, the recently published paper deals all the cases of Special Theory of Relativity such as mass-velocity relation, time dilation, Doppler’s effect etc. and it is based both on kinematics as well as on relativistic grounds.
When questioned about his scientific research inclination Mr. Khilji told this Correspondent that he was initially motivated by his parents for research. He said he went ahead despite the financial constraints and unemployment. He still has no financial support from any institution or government and that is the main constraint in his further researches, he moaned.
Meanwhile, it may be mentioned here that in physics, special relativity is a fundamental theory concerning space and time, developed by Albert Einstein in 1905[1] as a modification of Galilean relativity. The theory was able to explain some pressing theoretical and experimental issues in the physics of the time involving light and electrodynamics, such as the failure of the 1887 Michelson–Morley experiment.
Einstein postulated that the speed of light in free space is the same for all observers, regardless of their motion relative to the light source, where we may think of an observer as an imaginary entity with a sophisticated set of measurement devices, at rest with respect to itself, that perfectly record the positions and times of all events in space and time.
This postulate stemmed from the assumption that Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism, which predict a specific speed of light in vacuum, hold in any inertial frame of reference[2] rather than, as was previously believed, just in the frame of the aether. This prediction contradicted the laws of classical mechanics, which had been accepted for centuries, by arguing that time and space are not fixed and in fact change to maintain a constant speed of light regardless of the relative motions of sources and observers.
Einstein’s approach was based on thought experiments, calculations, and the principle of relativity, which is the notion that all physical laws should appear the same (that is, take the same basic form) to all inertial observers.