Jammu : The sex ratio in Jammu and Kashmir has come down to a low 883 females for 1,000 males as per the 2011 census, prompting a minister to say the government was taking action to curb the trend.
The sex ratio in the 2011 census has decreased to 883 per 1,000 males compared to 892 per 1,000 in the 2001 census.
Health Minister Sham Lal Sharma said: “We are taking strict measures to check this trend.”
A government official at a workshop on the topic said: “Child sex ratio (0-6 years), which is a more realistic indicator of trends in female foeticide, according to the 2011 census is shockingly 859.”
The national sex ratio as per the 2011 census is 940 females per 1,000 males whereas the child sex ratio is 944.