Home International Russia needs new system of defence procurement

Russia needs new system of defence procurement

By IANS/RIA Novosti,

Moscow : Effective system of placement and implementation of state defence orders will be established once new Russian government is forged, the new Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Tuesday.

Medvedev, the former president, was confirmed as the country’s new prime minister by a majority of votes in the State Duma Tuesday.

United Russia and Liberal Democrats factions, all in all 299 deputies, voted in favor of his candidacy, 144 lawmakers – Communists and A Just Russia members – voted against.

“We should build system of placement and implementation of state defence orders as well as a system that will control the money expenditures; this system should be really efficient,” said Medvedev when lawmakers were discussing his candidacy for the post of prime minister.

“I believe, we should take this into account when forging a new government.”

Speaking about state defence orders, Medvedev emphasised that proper disposition of funds was one of the most important issues.

“We have quite enough money – 20 trillion rubles ($666 billion) that should be invested into the production of new types of weaponry and a programme of reformation and reconstruction of our defence complex.”

Vladimir Putin, who was sworn in as Russian president Monday, has instructed the government to draft proposals on creating federal executive agencies, which will be responsible for the placement and implementation of state defence orders.