Home Muslim World News Russia seeks return of citizens held in Libya

Russia seeks return of citizens held in Libya


Moscow : Russia will continue to try to secure the return of its citizens held in Libya and also continue to insist that the rights are observed, a foreign ministry official said.

“Russia will strive for the soonest return of our citizens,” the ministry’s spokesman for human rights Konstantin Dolgov was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti.

“We are counting on them having an objective hearing with full observance of international standards… we are not interfering in the judicial process, and we will continue to insist that their rights are fully observed,” he said.

Vladimir Dolgov and Alexander Shadrov, who were working for a Libyan service company, were arrested in August 2011 along with several Ukrainian and Belorussian citizens. The new Libyan government accused them of assisting the forces of the former Gaddafi regime.