Home International Two trucks blown up on Myanmar border

Two trucks blown up on Myanmar border


Yangon : Armed members of an ethnic group have blown up two trucks near Myanmar’s eastern border with Thailand, state media reported Tuesday.

The trucks were blown up by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in eastern Shan state during the weekend. The vehicles were heading from Muse to Lashio, Xinhua reported citing the New Light of Myanmar daily.

The two six-wheel trucks were intercepted by seven KIA members on the Muse-Lashio highway near a pine forest.

After extorting around 80,000 Kyats ($100) from the drivers and letting them go away, the KIA members threw two grenades onto the driver’s seat of each vehicle. The front side of both the vehicles were damaged.

The incident was the latest in a series of attacks on non-military targets, including passenger trains, rail tracks and bridges.

The report said the KIA last week blasted four towers of a 230-KV national power grid in Namkham in Shan state, disrupting power distribution to old capital city of Yangon.