Chandigarh : To reduce harassment of consumers by electricity officials, the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) will introduce a new system of self-attested test report from consumers for new connections, a PSPCL official said here Tuesday.
This would abolish the prevalent practice of submitting test report from the licensed contractor and its subsequent physical verification by the officers of the corporation, the official added.
He said that the decision would be applicable to all consumers except those using agriculture pump sets.
The earlier procedure for new connections and extension of load used led to harassment of consumers and delay in release of connections. This was also leading to corruption at lower levels, the PSPCL official said.
PSPCL has also directed its officials not to carry out physical verification of load use in case of medium supply (load of 20 KW to 100 KW), especially industries. Industrialists had complained to the state government that they were facing harassment from inspection teams.