Home International Thousands of policemen protest pay cuts in Spain

Thousands of policemen protest pay cuts in Spain


Madrid: Thousands of policemen marched through the Spanish capital city Saturday to protest cutbacks in their salaries, Xinhua reported.

A banner at the march, called by the Sindicato Unificado de Policia (SUP), read: “Work as they pay you, work as they treat you: For our rights. Spanish Police in conflict”.

The organisers claimed 11,000 people participated in the march. Though the protestors were not in their uniforms, they were dressed in blue colour.

Speaking on behalf of the protestors, Jose Maria Sanchez Fornet, general secretary of the SUP, expressed the anger against the current government of Mariano Rajoy and the previous government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

“We are here today because they are making cutbacks, but also because they are cutting more from those who have the least and from us, who are decent policemen,” he said.

Stating that the police have been mistreated and disrespected by the government, Fornet said: “We want to say to the politicians, that enough is enough and we are not going to shut up.”