Home Indian Muslim PFI distributes interest-free education loan in Hyderabad

PFI distributes interest-free education loan in Hyderabad

By TCN News,

Hyderabad: As part of its nationwide scheme of interest-free loan scholarship, the Hyderabad unit of Popular Front of India on 2nd October conducted a one day program on personality development for parents and students and distributed loan scholarships to the students.

The program was inaugurated by Arif Ahmed, state committee member of PFI. He talked about the situation of minority community in India and the need to empowering the community. He pointed that Popular Front has been working on this agenda of empowering the community for past many years and as part of its community development, started loan scholarship program to help the student community. Maulana Rasheed Rashadi, State President, All India Imams Council, AP, delivered a lecture on Islam and Education. He stated that Islam has always stressed on education and with education only the community can be empowered.

Hassan Shaik, State general secretary of Campus Front of India, AP, delivered a speech on “Students role in the society. He said that students are the future of the nation & students’ activism plays a major role in building the nation. But unfortunately government machinery and corporate education system has succeeded in suppressing students’ activism and made students selfish, and careerists. He said it is responsibility of the students to not only concentrate on their future about also on the national’s future.

Mufti Abdus Subhan, President Popular Front of India, AP, said the interest free loan scholarship will timely clear hurdles for students, which give them a free mind to concentrate on their studies. He stated that this program is just a beginning and PFI will launch many these kinds of schemes for the empowerment of the community.