Thiruvananthapuram : The time has come for the next version of the Kerala model to find innovative solutions and new methods to mobilise society for collective welfare, President Pranab Mukherjee told the state’s legislators Tuesday.
“In the past, Kerala has led the country through progressive legislation, social welfare measures and impressive achievements in education and health.
The time has now come for the state to also show leadership in addressing second generation challenges by finding innovative solutions and new methods of mobilising society for collective welfare. The time has come for a Kerala model, version two,” he said addressing the state assembly.
Mukherjee said the state also faced many challenges.
“Political violence has been a major topic of debate. The remittance of non-resident Keralites have to be channelised into long-term development activities and building of infrastructure. Problems of developed economies like lifestyle diseases, mental illness, depression, suicides and divorces, etc are also on the rise,” he said.
Mukherjee also spoke on the need to maintain decency and decorum by people’s representative.
“There is need for collective thinking by political parties and leaders of our country on how to ensure smooth running of our parliament and legislative assemblies and whether some of the existing rules need to be amended,” he said.
Mukherjee praised the Kerala assembly of its record of an average of 53/54 days of sitting in a year.
But this, he said, was less than what had been put up by the presiding officers’ conferences, which wanted a minimum of 100 days of sittings a year.
“I hope the legislators will take up 100 days of sitting as a challenge,” Mukherjee said.