Beijing : China’s biggest search engine Baidu has been penalised with a 95,800 yuan (around $15,000) fine for publishing the country’s bestselling authors’s three books online and offering downloads without his permission.
According to Shanghai Daily, Baidu was ordered to pay 95,800 yuan (around $15,000) in compensation to Han Han, for publishing three of his books online and offering downloads without his permission, a Beijing court ruled.
The Haidian District People’s Court said Baidu didn’t take proper action to prevent piracy when netizens put Han’s books online for free downloading and it acted slowly to stop the piracy, reported China National Radio (CNR).
The court said Baidu should have known the downloadable documents could result in copyright infringement during the process of content review, CNR reported.
It ordered Baidu to pay compensation to Han. But the court rejected Han’s demands for publishing an apology letter for seven days on and shutting down Baidu Wenku, an online document-sharing platform.