Home Muslim World News Top Chinese military officer in Pakistan

Top Chinese military officer in Pakistan


Islamabad : Ma Xiaotian, the deputy chief of general staff of the People’s Liberation Army of China, is on an official visit to Pakistan.

Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf said during talks with Ma Tuesday that the friendship between the two countries has withstood the vicissitudes of international situations.

Pakistan firmly supports China’s stand on defending territorial integrity, and greatly values the traditional friendship, he said.

The Pakistani government, people and army share broad consensus on having friendly ties with China, Ashraf told Ma, who is here for defence talks, Xinhua reported.

Ma said China-Pakistan relations set an example of relations between countries of different ideologies, religions, cultures and social systems.

He said China is ready to continue to work with Pakistan to adapt to the new situations and changes to consolidate their friendship, enrich the content of their exchanges.