Home India News Indian Navy chief decorates officers, sailors with gallantry awards

Indian Navy chief decorates officers, sailors with gallantry awards


Mumbai : Indian Navy chief Admiral D.K. Joshi gave away gallantry awards to officers and sailors at the annual investiture ceremony here Friday.

The Nao Sena Medal for Gallantry went to Commander Srivatsa Sheshadri, who evacuated a sailor from a German warship in bad weather. He overcame multiple engine emergencies in his Seaking helicopter the aircraft and safely landed on INS Viraat with all seven crew members unharmed.

Lt. Commander Dhirendra Bisht was awarded the Nao Sena Medal for Gallantry for exceptional courage and flying skills to execute a casualty evacuation from a submarine, INS Sindhuvir, in adverse sea conditions and rendering timely critical medical help.

Lt. Harisanker was awarded the medal for saving a sailor from a merchant vessel, MV Vishwa Vikas, in adverse sea and weather conditions.

Chief Engineering Mechanic Mukesh Kumar was awarded the medal for displaying courage and professionalism while battling a major fire on board a warship, INS Satpura.

The Uttam Jeevan Raksha Padak was awarded to Leading Store Assistant Ramesh K. Babu, who saved the lives of two senior division NCC cadets under extremely trying conditions during a sight-seeing tour in East Godavari district near the Antervedhi lighthouse.

Lt. Kartik Uppal and Aji Cherippanattu Kochi, a senior clerk at the Naval NCC Unit in Kerala, were awarded the medal for rescuing a drowning civilian in Lakhota Lake in Jamnagar and saving a minor girl from drowning in Thiruvananthapuram.

The Naval Dockyard at Mumbai won a unit citation for highest operational standards for refitting, repairs and dry-docking ships and submarines beyond its installed capacity.

Similar citations have also been given to aircraft carrier INS Viraat, INS Chilka Sailors Training Centre, Naval Air Station INS Dega, patrol vessel INS Sukanya, INS 32 Air Squadron, submarine INS Sindhuvir and Floating Dock Navy-1 for outstanding performance.

Admiral Joshi gave away 15 Nao Sena Medals, 16 Vishisht Seva Medals, a Capt. Ravi Dhir memorial gold medal for flight safety and Lt. V.K. Jain Memorial Gold Medal for outstanding applied research in the technical field.