Home Muslim World News Bangladeshi, Pakistani workers shot at in Greece

Bangladeshi, Pakistani workers shot at in Greece


Athens : Three men have been arrested for shooting into a crowd of Bangladeshi and Pakistani migrant workers at a strawberry farm in Greece, in which around 30 workers were injured.

The three men are suspected of shooting at 200 farm workers in Nea Manolada, after the migrants went on strike, claiming they were not being paid for six months.

The incident sparked outrage from human rights groups and led to a boycott call on Twitter.

The men were arrested Thursday, authorities said.

Labour Minister Yianns Vroutsis said the government would pass legislation to crack down on “uninsured” workers.

Condemning the shooting, Public Order Minister Nikos Dendias said he will visit the Nea Manolada farm in person.

Dendias said none of the migrants would be deported.

Activists claim thousands of farm workers are being routinely exploited, going unpaid and forced to work in dire conditions as virtual slaves.

The Nea Manolada incident follows a rise in racist attacks on migrant workers in Greece.

Nea Manolada has been a flashpoint for racist violence in the past. In April 2008, 400 striking migrant workers were attacked by farmers and other people described as “hired thugs”.