India’s global training programme benefits Trinidad

    By Paras Ramoutar, IANS,

    Port-of-Spain : Trinidad & Tobago has benefitted immensely from India’s $2-billion global training programme, according to the Caribbean nation’s Education Minister Tim Gopeesingh. Hundreds of nationals of the country have benefitted tremendously, he said.

    Speaking at the Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Day celebrations in the Indian High Commissioner’s residence here Wednesday night, he said that the programme is demand-driven, response-oriented and focuses on addressing “the needs of developing countries through innovative technological cooperation between India and the partnering nations which cover over 160 nations spanning Asia, Africa, Latin America, Central and Eastern Europe, Pacific and Caribbean nations”.

    Gopeesingh pointed out that, since its inception in 1964, ITEC has spent over $2 billion and it has benefitted thousands of students and professional from around the globe and its annual expenditure has averaged $100 million per year

    India’s High Commissoner to Trinidad & Tobago Gauri Shankar Gupta said that the Indian government was willing to increase the quota for Trinidad & Tobago students up to 50, noting that all the seats offered within recent years were not taken up. Gupta said that annually over 8,200 students from across the globe participate in over 100 programmes aimed at assisting their home countries in several areas of national development, skills training, disaster mitigation, and small business projects.

    Gupta also announced that, through the ITEC, the Indian government would be able to offer training in diplomacy to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries among other training as was done in Africa..

    “ITEC aims to enhance the friendly and positive relationships throughput the globe,” he added.

    Minister of Public Administration Caroyn Seepersad-Bachan noted that ITEC as a feature of India’s global technical cooperation policy has has helped developing countries share India’s successes over the years

    Minister Seepersad-Bachan said that ITEC provides assistance in six areas: training projects and projects-related activities such as feasibility studies and consultancy services, study tours, donations of equipment, deputation of Indian experts in partner nations and relief work during disasters.

    She adding that ITEC can contribute or add value to Trinidad & Tobago’s efforts and endeavours. “Our flagship (approach of) Gold To Diamond(G2D) is (to reach) the diamond standard of excellence in service delivery,” she said.

    Launched in 2012, G2D is Trinidad & Tobago’s project for the renewal and modernisation of the country’s public service.

    (Paras Ramoutar can be reached at [email protected])