Home India News Kolkata to host seminar on trans-border cultures

Kolkata to host seminar on trans-border cultures


Kolkata : With emphasis on issues of trans-border cultures and communities, seven countries will participate in an international seminar organised here by the Anthropological Survey of India beginning Feb 23.

“India plays an important role when it come to trans-border cultures and their influences because of its vastness and wide diversity of people, culture and polities,” K.K. Mishra, Anthropological Survey of India director told IANS.

Termed ‘Trans-Border Communities and Cultures in Asia : Issues and Perspectives’, the deliberations will witness the participation of delegates from Bangladesh, Thailand, Nepal, Russia, Vietnam and Germany besides India.

The discussions will delve into aspects like migration and displacement, resource sharing between between tarns-border communities and role of communities in preserving social and cultural affinities across international borders.

“The international speakers include Svetlana Ryzhakova from Russia who has extensively worked in India,” K. Mukhopadhyay, convenor of the seminar told IANS.

The three-day programme that concludes Feb 25 will also focus on indigenous small tribes and their problems.

In addition to the seminar, an exhibition on the sidelines, titled ‘Simanta’ will portray cultures and communities via audio-visual medium.