Home Indian Muslim AMU to get 3 crore from UP Govt

AMU to get 3 crore from UP Govt

By TCN News,

Aligarh: The Health Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Ahmad Hasan has announced to provide Rs three crore for upgradation of Centre of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research at the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University.

The Vice Chancellor, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Zameer Uddin Shah and Pro-Vice Chancellor, Brigadier (Retd.) S. Ahmad Ali met the UP Labour Minister, Waqar Ahmad Shah at VC’s office and urged him to provide special grant for upgradation of Cardiology Centre.

Dr. Asif Hasan, Director of the Centre of Cardiology also met UP Health Minister and discussed the plan for upgradation of the Cardiology Centre into an advanced centre with Interventional facilities like Coronary angiography and angioplasty.

He said that this special grant of Rs. 3 crore will facilitate the process of establishing Catheterization lab with interventional facilities.

Dr. Asif Hasan has super specialization in cardiology course, i.e. a DM degree from PGI, Chandigarh.