Home India News Retired colonel to rid Chennai of posters, hoardings

Retired colonel to rid Chennai of posters, hoardings


Chennai: A campaign to avoid using and removing posters and hoardings will be launched here soon by a retired colonel who helped free New Delhi of posters during last year’s Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) elections.

Col. (retd) Shivraj Kumar is in Chennai to start the “Poster Hatoa (Remove Posters)” campaign and is mobilising volunteers here for a cleaner city..

“I had meet police and municipal authorities who have assured their support. Around 15 people have already volunteered,” Col. Kumar said.

He added that the remove poster campaign will be carried out in one or two areas each day and that he will be in Chennai till February end.

“Ideally, residents have to take this forward to have a clean city. The idea about the campaign is to make people aware so that posters, hoardings, wall writings and banners do not crop up again and again,” he said.

He said posters were once the only mode of communicating with the people but not any more as there are various communication modes now.

“The organisations that put up posters, hoardings, wall writings or banners should pay for their commercial message and should not deface the city,” he added.

Col. Kumar said he plans to meet other senior officials in the Tamil Nadu government to enlist their support for his movement.

“During the MCD elections there were no election-related posters. We hope a similar situation will prevail during the 2014 Lok Sabha polls in New Delhi. Mumbai will also be largely free of election-related posters, banners, hoardings and wall writings,” Col. Kumar said.