New Delhi : The Delhi High Court Thursday asked Dayalu Ammal, wife of former Tamil Nadu chief minister M. Karunanidhi, to move the Supreme Court against the trial court order dismissing her plea seeking exemption from personal appearance as a prosecution witness in the 2G case.
The CBI was also asked by Justice Sunil Gaur to ensure that no coercive order was passed by the trial court till lunch time Monday, the day Ammal has been summoned to the trial court as prosecution witness.
Justice Gaur, refusing to entertain Ammal’s plea, said: “I cannot hear the matter on merit. You (Ammal) have to make a mention before the Supreme Court. It is being monitored by the Supreme Court and I am not going to touch it.”
The investigating agency had earlier told the court that the Supreme Court had already put a blanket ban on the high court entertaining any plea in the 2G case.
Senior advocate Sudhir Nandrajog, appearing for Ammal, told the court that the petition cannot be brought Thursday or Friday before the Supreme Court, but agreed with the high court to mention the plea before the Supreme Court Monday morning.
Ammal moved the court saying she suffered from Alzheimer’s, and was not in a position to record her statement as a prosecution witness in the 2G spectrum allocation case.
The 82-year-old Dayalu Ammal moved the Delhi High Court against the trial court’s May 31 order, which dismissed her plea seeking exemption from personal appearance.
Ammal has been made a prosecution witness in the 2G case and the trial court summoned her to appear before it July 8, for recording her deposition.
The petition seeking exemption from appearance in court contended that because of her “physical and mental condition, Dayalu Ammal is prone to abrasive behaviour, clumsy habits with sudden hitting or punching people, inappropriate talk and action, and inability to take care of day-to-day activities”.