JDU to support Bill restoring minority status to AMU

    By TCN News

    Patna: Minority Affairs minister of Bihar Shahid Ali Khan has promised his party’s support for any Bill that will restore the minority character of Aligarh Muslim University. Mr. Khan assured his support to the cause to a delegation of Sir Syed Minority Foundation of India (SSMFI) met Mr. Khan in Patna on July 21st.

    The General secretary of SSMFI Md.Perwez Siddiqui informed the media that Mr.Shahid AIi Khan promised to support the minority status of AMU and promised that if UPA-2 comes up with the Bill in the parliament to restore the minority status of AMU then JDU will support the bill. The SSMFI president Shamsul Rahman pointed towards the 1981 (Amendment) Act of AMU and said that AMU is a body established by the Muslims and the same is clear from the records of history and the Supreme court of india must take note of it.

    Mr.Perwez told that St.Stephens College, Delhi was granted the minority status owing to its construction whereas AMU whose construction is a unique blend of Ancient Indo-Islamic architecture has not granted the minority status. It has to be taken in note that texts in Arabic and Urdu has been inscribed on the walls of AMU this clearly shows that it was established by the Muslims.

    The SSMFI members said that since Muslims have voted in favour of JDU in elections, time has come for JDU to support this noble cause of Muslims to prove that it is a secular party.