Home Indian Muslim Rihai Manch demands action taken report on Nimesh Commission

Rihai Manch demands action taken report on Nimesh Commission

By TwoCircles.net Staff reporter,

Lucknow: As the Rihai Manch’ protest competed 13th day it has demanded action taken report on the RD Nimesh Commission report.

Rihai Manch (Forum for the Release of Innocent Muslims imprisoned in the name of Terrorism) is on indefinite dharna demanding arrest of police officers involved in Khalid Mujahid’s murder, issuing the RD Nimesh commission report, and the immediate release of innocent Muslim youth imprisoned in the name of terrorism.

Chairman of the Rihai Manch Mohamamd Shoaib said that it had already released the Nimesh Commission report on 18 March, earlier this year and so mere report is not sufficient and they expect from the government to also tell the public what actions they have taken on the report.

National Coordinator of Association for protection of civil rights (APCR), Akhlaq Ahmed participated in the protest on the 13th day to express their solidarity.

Meanwhile Council of Indian Muslims—UK (CIM) has expressed solidarity with Rihai Manch. Earlier, Association of Indian Muslims of America (AIM) had also expressed their solidarity.

Khalid had died under mysterious circumstances on his way back from Faizabad near Ram Sanehi Ghat on May 18. He was declared brought dead by the doctors at district hospital in Barabanki. Later, on the complain of his uncle Zahir Alam Falahi, a case was registered against 42 police officers including former DGP Vikram Singh, ADG Brijlal and others who were on duty during the time of Khalid’s arrest.

Khalid along with Tariq Qasmi was arrested by Special Task Force (STF) on 20 December 2007 from Barabanki. Huge explosives were also shown as recovered from his possession. STF claimed that he was involved in the serial blasts which occurred in Gorakhpur, Faizabad and Lucknow. Later, Nimesh Commission was constituted headed by Justice R D Nimesh who in its report raised fingers over STF’s claim about the place of arrest.