Italian woman injured in Taliban attack dies

    By IANS/AKI,

    Rome: An Italian woman official with the International Organisation for Migration died after she was badly burned in a Taliban attack in Kabul in May.

    Barbara De Anna died at a hospital Friday in Ramstein, Germany, where she was flown for treatment for burns to 90 percent of her body following the May 24 attack in the Afghan capital.

    The 40-year-old native of Florence worked for the IOM’s refugee returns programme.

    “I was deeply saddened to hear the news of Barbara De Anna’s death. My thoughts are with her family, to whom I sent my most sincere condolences,” Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said.

    Bonino paid tribute to De Anna “and other aid workers like her who are operating in the most remote and difficult areas, embodying the best of Italian values”.

    De Anna’s death brought to five the total number of people killed in the Taliban attack.

    Fourteen people were injured in the assault, including five foreigners, according to Afghan police.

    Besides De Anna, four Afghans lost their lives — a policeman, two security agents and a six-year-old boy, Afghan police said.

    De Anna was staying at a guesthouse used by the IOM, located in a diplomatic area of Kabul, where 400 Italian troops are serving with the NATO-led ISAF mission.