Swami Agnivesh slams BJP for communalism

    By Abdul Gani, TwoCircles.net,

    Guwahati: Slamming Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for patronizing Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) for spreading communalism social activist and politician Swami Agnivesh said that it is worst virus which is hampering the growth and development of the country.

    Taking part in the golden jubilee celebration of Conference of Religious India (CRI) in Guwahti, the 72 year old Arya Samaj scholar also said that poverty is a main cause for many problems in the country.

    Swami Agnivesh in Guwahati on Saturday.

    “Communalism seems to be the major worrying factor for the country at the present time. It is seriously hampering the growth of the country and the politicians also tend to take advantage of it by playing with the emotions of the common people,” Agnivesh said on Saturday.

    He also held RSS responsible for most of the communal riots which have taken place in the country including the infamous Godhra incident in Gujrat in 2002. “RSS took control of bureaucracy and legislature in Gujrat during the riot time and they want to spread it across the country but we need to resist it at any cost. RSS will also take over BJP to spread their work,” he added.

    Agnivesh who founded Arya Sabha, a political party based on Arya Samaj in 1970 also did not like the idea of promoting Gujrat chief minister Narendra Modi as the Prime Minister of the country. “Modi is the face of RSS and BJP has projected him to make India a Gujrat,” he said.

    He also urged upon the government to give tribal status to the Tea tribe people and their land rights so that problems like separate state demands can be solved. “They should be treated like any other citizen of the country and if all the rights are provided according to the constitution, I think many problems could be solved,” he said.

    On the activities CRI, he said that it is working so that communal forces can be defeated and everybody can live in peace and harmony and in this regard it has also taken several initiatives in this regard. They will also celebrate the inter-caste and inter-religion to motivate their act as communal harmony.