New Delhi : The Supreme Court Tuesday asked the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to probe the slapping of a woman activist of the Aam Aadmi Party by a Delhi Police officer.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) activists were at the receiving end of the police assault as they were protesting against delayed police action in a child rape case.
The national human rights body was asked to probe the matter by the apex court in its ruling pronounced Tuesday by Justice Shiva Kirti Singh.
The court on April 25, taking cognizance of police assault on the woman activist, directed the Delhi Police commissioner to file an affidavit explaining the incident involving a police officer beating a woman protesting the rape of a child.
While asking the police commissioner to file affidavit, the presiding judge on the bench Justice G.S. Singhvi observed: “Your police has gone berserk…How can a police officer beat a young woman and she bleeds from ear? What is the accountability of senior officers? What is their responsibility?”
A Delhi Police officer slapped the woman across her face so hard that she bled from her ear, and the incident was caught on cameras of TV channels covering the event.