By Rehan Ansari,
Dr. Mahmoodur Rahman Committee has submitted its report on the Conditions of Muslims in Maharashtra to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra. The study Group was constituted by the Late Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh in 2008 vide GR No. Asans- 2007/CR185/07/35/D-1 dated 6th May 2008 to examine the socio-economic situation of Muslims in Maharashtra.
Six Members committee, headed by the retired bureaucrat, Dr. Mahmoodur Rahman, became dormant after initially submitting its interim report in 2008. Shri Prithviraj Chauhan after assuming the office initiated the process and finally the committee submitted its report. The report has not officially been released but is making the recommendations public so that a debate can take place.

“In Muslim concentrated areas the quality of the existing schools is reprehensible and in no way the schools have the capacity to allow the talent to blossom.”
Economic upliftment
Committee observes that the Unemployment is high among the Muslims and still higher among the Muslim Women. Here are some important suggestions by the committee for economic upliftments of Muslims in Maharashtra.
1- 8 to 10% Reservations to Muslims in Government jobs. The report says that the share of Muslims in Government employment especially in Administration and Police is significantly lower that the share of their population in the state. The situation requires that the government should priorities the issue of Muslims’ share in the government employment.
2- Committee observes that Muslims in Maharashtra have lower share in bank credit than other religious minorities due to black listing of the Muslim areas. It recommends, “RBI should strictly monitor the distribution of bank credit to Muslims and strict actions against banks in cases of non- cooperation and religious bias in the disbursal of credit.” It also suggests, “Issue of collateral requirements, subsidies, and interest rates should be considered.”
3- Given the landlessness among Rural Muslims it recommends the provisions of land allocation to the poor Muslims.
4- Availability of Ration cards to Muslims should be made easy to make them avail the schemes related to BPL and ration cards.
5- Promotion of micro-finance institution in Muslim concentrated areas to overcome the small credit crunch.
6- Maulana Azad Minorities Financial and Development Corporation needs to be urgently revamped with the provision of professional staff and computerization of its records to make it effective.
7- Since most of the Muslims are self employed, the committee recommended to establish ITIs and Polytechnic institution in Muslim areas. It also urged to strengthen the marketing networks and open new avenues for export of products by Muslim Artisans.
8- Women working from their homes get very little return, therefore the committee recommends, “Government should encourage NGOs and community based organizations to strengthen the marketing of the products and ease the regulatory frameworks to allow the exports of products.”
The group noted that there is a desire in the community for formal education. It recognizes that a large number of community members drop out at the secondary and higher secondary level. It observed the dilapidated condition of Municipal schools, Came down heavily on the bias content of school text books. Also concluded that the quality of the existing schools in Muslim concentrated areas is reprehensible and in no way the schools have the capacity to allow the talent to blossom. It also dealt with Modernization of Madarsa and addressed the issue of Ismail Yusuf College.
1- On the long pending demand of Ismail Yusuf College, report said, “Many Muslims, individual and organization demanded the management of Ismail Yusuf College, situated in Mumbai.” It also observes that, “the original land has got reduced due to construction of roads and railway track.
Committee recommends the handing over of the Management of Ismail Yusuf College to the Anjuman-e-Islam or alternatively to a new management committee, like the Mills at Dadar was handed over for the Ambedkar Memorial to meet public demand.
2- Report came down heavily on the bias approach in the text books of schools and recommends the secularization of content. It states, “Periodisation of History is often done on religious lines, showing Muslims as aggressors. However these are myths and fallacies of deliberate creation and need to be overcome through secularizing the content of school text books and making them reflective of unbiased facts.”
3- Committee noted that, “In Muslim concentrated areas the quality of the existing schools is reprehensible and in no way the schools have the capacity to allow the talent to blossom.” Therefore, it recommends of “remodeling and reconstructions of one or two schools with the full government support that can be made a residential school.”
4- Increase in the number of Scholarships and freeships to Muslims. Community centers at the grass root level to disseminate the information about the scholarships and the relaxation in the requirements of documents are recommended.
5- Recognizing the facts that very smaller number of Muslim students study in Madarsa, the report recommends establishment of Madarsa Board that will facilitate higher education for the Madarsa students.
Noting the fact that Modernization of Madarsa can’t replace formal education, the report suggests a department with the eminent Muslim scholars to develop the text books for registered Madarsa. Also recommends the introduction of ITI like technical courses in the Madarsa.
6- Since many Muslim Girls opt out due to the unavailability of schools. Also recognizes the discrimination against Muslim in residential society therefore government must open more secondary schools, colleges and residential schools and colleges in Muslim concentrated areas.
7- The report suggests establishing quality educational institutions in Minority Concentrated areas. “Extra FSI, registration and land must be provided to the educational institution with the mandate of providing admission to the Muslims.”
8- To improve Quality of Education and infrastructure Dr. Mahmoodur Rahman Committee Report suggests Public Private Partnerships. It says, “The Need of the hour is to tap the private initiatives at community, corporate and NGO levels.”
9- Strengthening education of Muslims at upper primary and secondary level and intensive campaign in Muslim dominated areas to get kids into the schools is suggested.
10- Greater state’s support to the Muslim Educational Institutions and solve their problems is recommended.
11- It recommends introducing Urdu as third language in non Urdu medium schools situated in Muslim populated areas.
12- It recommends to Introduce Urdu Pre-School classes in government runs schools to encourage the community for education from early age.
13- Committee observed the facts that Muslims mainly in urban areas live in the one room houses. It recommended that the government must set up reading rooms and libraries in the Muslim dominated areas. The information and career counseling centers can also be added in these facilities.
14- On the critical and dilapidated condition of Municipal schools, committee recommended special liberal grant for the upgradation of these schools.
Empowerment of Muslim women
Misrepresentation, greeted Dr.Mahmoodur Rahman Committee Report just after its submission to the Chief Minister of Maharashtra Prithviraj Chauhan. The controversy was that it has recommended, “arbitrary talaq should be prohibited and the alimony to the divorced women be made compulsory.” Even a news channel ran a debate on the issue and created unnecessary confusion.
On the other hand the report has taken greater care for the empowerment of Muslim women.
It recommends that, “The economic and social empowerment of women will go a long way to cure many ills that the Muslim community is presently facing.” Special provision for Muslim women within the gender budgeting of the state is recommended.
On the general condition of women the Committee noted, “The Muslim community is specially faltering on women’s rights and freedom. The triple talaq issue, property rights of women, right of women to choose the occupation needs to be taken up by the community leaders to overcome the conservative elements within the community.”
Further on the issue the report noted that Muslim women are faced with great challenges within the community. Many of them receive only nominal Mehr and once deserted they also do not receive any maintenance.
Committee recommended, “A Scheme for maintenance of deserted women to be urgently drawn.”
Committee recommends the representation of Muslim women in all decision making bodies and committees of relevance. Also, urged the representation of Muslim women in 33% quota for women in local self governing bodies.
It noted the state’s failure to provide minimum support services like shelter home and women cell in Muslim areas and concluded, “ Lack of such facilities are deterrent to women protesting against domestic violence.” It recommends free legal Aid to Muslim women against domestic violence.
Committee recommends the provision of good secure transport facilities would go a long way to help women in being mobile. Also recommends the relaxation in rules governing the acquisition of ration card and BPL card to the divorcee women, widows and women headed families as such women finds it difficult to procure the same from their families.
Residential schools specially for Girls, is also recommended.

Committee recommends promotion of micro-finance institution in Muslim concentrated areas to overcome the small credit crunch.
Noting the fact that Maharashtra Urdu Sahitya Acadmey has the lowest budget in India, Dr.Mahmoodur Rahman Committee recommended the inclusion of Urdu in the Official Languages Act.
While comparing the budget of Urdu Sahitya Academy of Andhra Pradesh where the budget is Rs.30 crores and Delhi its Rs. 13 crores, Committee observed that, “The lowest budget in the country is that of Maharashtra Urdu Academy. The declaration about the release of Rs.1 crore has reportedly yet not been implemented.”
Committee also recommends including Urdu in the Official Language Act. It says, “An overwhelming, majority have pleaded for the inclusion of Urdu in the Official Languages Act on the line of Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Jammu & Kashmir.
Report also noted the disappointment of the Chairman, Maharashtra State Urdu Sahitya Academy. It says, “The Chairman met the study group and expressed his total disappointment over the scope and working of his organization.”
The committee recommended the regularization of staff and autonomous status for Urdu Academy in Maharashtra. It says, “Urdu Academy should be given autonomous status with a manageable composition, i.e. one Chairman, one full time Director and five members including scholars, professors, and distinguished writers.”
Committee also suggested the name of Prof. A.S.Dalvi and Prof. Sahib Ali former and present HoD of Urdu Department, Mumbai University to prepare the draft Act.
Committee also recommended the restructuring of Urdu Sahitya Academy to increase its reach. It says, “The Academy has to initiate action in respect of its outreach in the public, translation of important Urdu Works into Marathi and vice versa.”
It suggested opening up of computer centers with reading room facility in the Muslim dominated areas and introduction of Urdu as a 3rd language in the Non Urdu Language schools.