NE Haj pilgrims will start journey from Sept 11

    By Abdul Gani,,

    Guwahati: Like the previous years, this year too the Haj pilgrims of the northeast region will start their holy journey from September 11. This time altogether 3,113 pilgrims of the region will make the trip, which is regarded as one of the five pillars of Islam, a religious duty that must be carried out by every able-bodied Muslim who can afford to do so at least once in his or her lifetime.

    The North East Haj Pilgrims Reception Committee in association with the Joint State Haj Committee of Assam and Meghalaya has already completed all the arrangements for these pilgrims. A special camp has also been organized for the pilgrims from September 9 at Haji Mushafirkhana at Islampur in Guwahati.

    This year from Assam 1974 males and 746 females will visit Saudi Arabia for the pilgrimage while one male and female from Sikkim, two males and females from Nagaland and 31 males and 8 females from Meghalaya will join them.

    “It is our humble request to everybody and the pilgrims as well to co-operate with us so that we can arrange a safety and systematic journey for the pilgrims,” said Nekibur Zaman, chairman of the reception committee addressing a press conference on Sunday.

    From Assam Dhubri district has the highest number of pilgrims with 325 numbers. Last year altogether 3, 730 pilgrims from the region went for the pilgrimage.