By Ziaulla Nomani,
Heart disease is the number one killer in India and across the world. However most of the heart ailments are curable and death can be prevented, but, not everyone is not fortunate enough to bear the treatment and hospital costs and they just walk away from the hospital to choose a slow painful death.
There are many who have even sold their only piece of land to foot the hospital treatment for cardiac treatment.
Dr. Zainulabedin Hamdulay, Chief Cardiothoracic Surgeon – Wockhardth Hospital, with a zealous endeavor of striving endlessly towards the welfare of the under privileged in our society and deeply committed to treatment of children, men and women with cardiac ailments, initiated an charitable trust, Hamdulay Heart Foundation (HHF) to take care of the underprivileged cardiac patients.

Dr. Hamdulay nurtures strong belief in the fact that development of the society does not just call for “social service” that defines the establishment of social institutions. It rather calls for actions to be materialized in the present life of every individual to ensure a secure future.
Following is a brief interview about the start and the activities of this foundation which not only takes care of heart, but also the purse string of the underprivileged of the society
Q1) What inspired you to start HHF?
My Mother, Abida Ismail Hamdulay, a common housewife always had a soft corner for the underprivileged of our society. She was a helping hand to the needy of the society in whatever capacity she could.
After completion of M.Ch (Super Specialist in Cardiothoracic Surgery) I was planning to settle down in UK, but my mother forced me to come back to India and serve the people of the county and the community. My Father Ismail Hamdulay seconded her and advised me that India needs super specialized surgeon. The Muslim community is also in need of such specialized doctors. I gave up my mind of a well settled life in UK and returned back to India. Heart treatments are expensive all over the world. India is home to the largest number of cardiac patients and out of that many are poor, not financially sound to foot the expense. I have seen patients dying as they could not arrange for the expense required for heart surgery and treatment. They approached many NGOs and trust but what they got was not at all sufficient and a lot of time was wasted. Heart ailments require timely treatment. Thus Hamdulay Heart foundation came into existence to help the needy of the society in financing for their treatment to avoid delay and thus avoid as many deaths as possible. The vision and urge of my patents to work for the poor inspired me to start HHF for the destitute.
Q2) what are the activities undertaken by Hamdulay Heart foundation?
Hamdulay Heart Foundation (HHF) is a registered professional, non-profit organization, striving endlessly towards the welfare of the under privileged in our society and deeply committed to treatment of children, men and women with cardiac ailments.
We connect one person, whose heart needs a boost – with another person, who is prepared to share a little of theirs.Under HHF, we fund unfortunates for angiography, angioplasty, by-passs surgery, valve surgery.
Q3) What difficulties you face in HHF?
It’s a trust founded by me with a noble vision of bringing smile in the face of the have not’s suffering from cardiac problem, but it is run by generous donors from our society, who contribute tremendously so that the good work of saving as many lives as possible can be carried out.
Since its inception till date Hamdulay Heart Foundation have treats around 1000 poor people every year. With more funds we can always increase this numbers and can bring happiness to many families, who can’t afford the treatment of this expensive disease.
Q4) Who all benefit from HHF; how it makes a difference?
HHF is committed for the treatment of cardiac patients, the underprivileged children, men and women from our society. HHF sponsors almost half the amount of the treatment cost, after proper verification of the financial status of the applicant, thereby bringing relief to the patients and the families as far as medical expense in concerned. Further I, Dr. Zainulabedin Hamdulay, treat them for cardiac problems thus bringing the cost further down.
So in this way many poor patients have been benefitted with quality cardiac treatment without having to worry about the expenses incurred during the process. Thus the contribution made by the donors goes to the poor who can’t reach them for help but are in a desperate need of it.
Q5) How does HHF sustain itself?
As I have mentioned earlier, I am the founder but the foundation is run by the generous donors. Contribution is from the individual and groups, CSR initiative of corporate firms, we need such generous support year on year basis to keep this work of serving the needy in process. I have my family members, friends, acquaintance; they donate their zakat, sadka and help me to generate funds for HHF.
Q6) What Plans do you have for future?
Recently in March 2013, Hamdulay Heart Foundation has started a Cath Lab for angioplasty and angiography for poor people. The rates are much lower and nominal for the needy and the poor. Till date around 70 patients have undergone angiography and around 22 angioplasties have been performed. In order to take this service to the poor and needy of rural areas, Hamdulay Heart Foundation wants to start a Rural Cardiac Mobile Healthcare Program. The Mobile cardiac Van will be equipped with the Cath Lab, well trained staff and will distribute medicines at a very low price or even free to the needy.
Q7) In what ways the readers can contribute in the noble cause of helping the poor heart patients through HHF?
The entire donation made is used to serve the poor of the society. Not a single penny is kept as a admin charge, etc. The readers can contribute in terms of monetary basis as per their comfort level. They can sponsor angiography, angioplasty, heart surgery, etc. Even a small donation makes a much difference they can become a regular contributor and can make monthly donations. The corporate companies can help through their CSR initiatives.
The foundation helps the needy and poor who want our help but cannot reach us.