By TCN News,
Aligarh: Sir Syed Minority Foundation of India (SSMFI) organized a programme for the restoration of minority character of the Aligarh Muslim University on February 27,2014 at Kennedy Hall on the occasion of World Alumni Meet.
The programme was presided over by the Vice-chancellor Lt General (Retired) Zameeruddin Shah. This programme was called to seek the opinion of the constitutional experts, political analysts, journalist, and alumni of the University to explore various ways to restore the minority status of the University with the help of all the well-wishers.

AMU VC receiving the memento from Sir Syed Minority Foundation.
In his Presidential address Vice Chancellor informed the august gathering about the preparedness of the University to make hearing on fast track. He enlightened the audience about various steps taken by the University for the restoration of the minority status. He requested the well-wishers of the University to work tactically for the University. He said in his speech that improving the academic environment of the university is his first priority. About the Students Union he said that he is not an opponent of the Union and hoped that in the very beginning of the coming session he would install a Union.
Renowned Journalist Aziz Burni, editor of Azizul-Hind said that AMU is a minority institution. He argued that when all the political parties even the communalists parties are working for the Votes of the minority, it is high time to raise this issue of the restoration of minority character. He has put light on the services rendered by the Muslims in the freedom movement and after independence in nation building.
Mushtaque Ahmad, a senior lawyer at Supreme Court said in his speech that we should wait the decision of the Court. Very soon the court is going to start hearing and to present the case very strongly in the court there is need that University constitutes an expert committee. In his views, no government could ignore the cause of the minority status of AMU for long.
Ex-President of AMU Students Union Dr Bashir Ahmad Khan said that if Jamia Millia Islamia and Jamia Hmdadrd could get minority status then why not AMU? The only need of hour is that the youth of this university should work united and untiredly.He hoped that the new generation of AMU would get minority status.
Dr Shahid, a member of Executive Council of AMU said that this is tragedy that this University is fighting for the minority status which had been established by the Muslim of India. He said that minority status of the University is soul of the University. Without the minority status the university is incomplete in essence.

Audiance present at the National Convetion on AMU Minority Character.
President of Anjuman Islamia of Mumbai in his speech said that there is need to fight the case of restoration of minority status of AMU both inside of the court and Parliament with the help of secularists of the country.
Ex- Secretary of AMUSU Mr Farrukh said that there is need to plan strong strategy to present the case of minority status in the court. Former president of AMUSU Mr Azam Beg argued for the use of political condition of the country for the restoration of minority character. He further said that Aligarh Movement should be extended into whole of India for the purpose of educating Indian Muslims. The programme was also addressed by Abdullah-Abdullah,Fazal khan and others.