Home Indian Muslim Delegations of US & Saudi Universities visit Jamia

Delegations of US & Saudi Universities visit Jamia

By TCN News,

New Delhi: A high-profile delegation from Al-Imam Muhammad Bin Saud Islamic University, Saudi Arabia visited Jamia Millia Islamia to explore opportunities of academic collaborations. The delegates from the largest University in Saudi Arabia that boasts of several centers of research and excellence along with the specialized departments led by Rector, Prof. Dr. Sulaiman Abdullah Abal Khalil sought intense academic interface with Jamia.

It was conveyed that Saudi Arabia would finance establishment of Chairs in respect of Islamic Studies and Civilizational Dialogue besides organizing joint seminars, conferences and symposia. The Cultural Attaché of the Saudi Arabia in New Delhi offered to facilitate all such academic engagements.

Dwelling upon the historic ties with India, Prof. Dr. Sulaiman Abdullah Abal Khalil underlined his institution’s eagerness to partner with Jamia Millia Islamia even as he discussed the strengths of his University and existing collaborations with Universities across continents.

Earlier, while welcoming the delegates, Prof. S.M. Sajid spoke about the traditional ties that India shared with Saudi Arabia and how critical it was to strengthen ties with academic institutions. Talking about Jamia’s engagements with Saudi Arabia, he referred to conferment of Honoris Causa on their visionary leaders in the past. Prof. Dr. Sulaiman Abdullah sought pro-active engagements in terms of new initiatives that could be explored and actualized.

Meanwhile, a US delegation of International Administrators also visited the University for an interaction with Jamia administrators and Deans to acquaint themselves with the administrative structure and arrangements in place to run a large university.

The delegation, which comprised of administrators from various US Universities and Institutions, explored possibilities of academic collaborations and partnerships through agreements and MoUs. Top on their priority was to identify strategic areas for faculty exchange, student exchange, joint research, International Summer School and other opportunities that could be explored for consolidating and expanding the academic engagements.

The visit was jointly facilitated by the Office of the International Relations in Jamia Millia Islamia and United States India Educational Foundation, New Delhi.

The visiting delegation was informed about the additional support system that Jamia has put in place for the students, by way of special interventions to create a level playing field, who come from marginalized and disadvantaged sections of the society. In addition, new initiatives like collaborative teaching thorough video-conferencing with institutions in Europe and America that are in operation notwithstanding the wide variation in time-zones were also discussed by the delegation and its counterpart.

Prof. S.M. Sajid informed the visiting delegation that Jamia has grown into an academically vibrant University launching new initiatives and setting goals associated with national priorities.