Home India News Senior decision-makers to discuss key issues in Delhi meet

Senior decision-makers to discuss key issues in Delhi meet

New Delhi : Around 70 senior decision-makers from politics, business, media and civil society from India as well as other Asian and Middle East nations will come together to discuss key issues of international security at a conference here.

The Munich Security Conference (MSC) will host its next core group meeting here Oct 21-22 in partnership with the Indian Observer Research Foundation, a release said here Monday.

The meet will focus on global and regional security challenges such as the conflicts in the Middle East and the situation in Afghanistan after the 2014 NATO withdrawal.

Questions of maritime security in the Indo-Pacific, cyber-security, Euro-Atlantic and Asian regional security architectures as well as global governance and the role of emerging powers will also be discussed, the release said.

The conference, which is actively supported by the Indian government as well as by the German Ambassador to India, Michael Steiner, will be opened by National Security Advisor Ajit Doval.

The meeting is hosted by the Munich Security Conference chairman, Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger and Observer Research Foundation director, Sunjoy Joshi.