Home International Russian Muslims denounce ISIS as enemy of Islam

Russian Muslims denounce ISIS as enemy of Islam

Moscow : A leading Russian Muslim group has issued a fatwa against ISIS group and called it “enemy of Islam”, and calling for the punishment of all its members as criminals, media sources reported.

The Spiritual Directorate of Muslims of Russia published the text of the fatwa on its website on Tuesday. “From the point of view of the Muslim canon the members of such criminal groups deserve either capital punishment or full lifelong isolation from the society,” the Russian Muslim leaders stated.

Russian Muslims denounce ISIS as enemies of Islam (Credit: IINA)

They noted also in the fatwa that every suspect must be convicted by a court verdict that would fully exclude all doubts of his or hers complicity in violence, robberies and killings.

The Russian Muslim group has also denounced the establishment of a new “caliphate” by ISIS last June, considering it a “fake” one that aims to dupe Muslim youth.

The fatwa comes in response to the soaring anti-Muslim sentiment across the world following atrocities and terror attacks committed by ISIS in the name of Islam.

ISIS Militants have been widely condemned by Muslims worldwide who staged several protests to express anger against the terrorist group.

It is noteworthy that Islam in Russia is the second-largest religion representing roughly 15 percent of its 145 million predominantly Orthodox population.

The Russian Federation is home to some 23 million Muslims in the north of the Caucasus and southern republics of Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan.